Beamer presentation example

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This Beamer presentation uses the LSST-beamer package to make a standardized LSST presentation.

\documentclass[t, aspectratio=169]{beamer}

  footline={Demo Presentation},
  meeting={Name of meeting},
  position={R\^ole in LSST}

% Set the graphics path such that this example will
% build from the repository root directory as well as
% from within its own directory

% ----------------------


\title{Beamer example for TeX with RHL beam theme}

\author[W. O'Mullane ]{William O'Mullane}

\date[ 13/12/2016]{Dec  13$^{th}$ 2016 ESAC, Spain}

\institute{LSST Tucson Arizona}
% ----------------------

\AtBeginSection[]  % "Beamer, do the following at the start of every section"
\frametitle{Outline} % make a frame titled "Outline"
\tableofcontents[currentsection]  % show TOC and highlight current section



\frame{\frametitle{Beamer lists}
	\item This reveals
	\item each bullet separately
\frame{\frametitle{Beamer lists}
	\item This reveals
	\item all bullets {\color{red} immediately}

\frame{\frametitle{cols handy for images }
\item can use onslide to make things appear in order
\item not done here look up on internet
